Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Human Resource Management Basics In 5 Minutes.

Human Resource Management Basics In 5 Minutes.

Q) Define HRM (Human Resource Management)?.

Ans. It is a management function which connects the employee and employer for all aspects. It deals with every aspect from beginning to end of employment of a human being.

It integrates the workforce with organisation and its environment. It motivates them to work as a team. It helps them to achieve economic, social and mental satisfaction.

Q) What influences the Human Resource policies?

ANS. The human resource policies are influenced by

1) Situational factors.

2) Stakeholders interests

These policies have long term and short term effect on the organisation as well as the work force. They affect the efficiency, commitment of the employees.

Q) What are the factors the Human Resource managers use to measure the short term and long term effect?


A) Commitment.

B) Competence

C) Cost effectiveness

D) Congruence

Q What is the primary objective of Human Resource Management?

Ans. To make available the suitable, competent and motivated work force to the organisation.

Q What are the Objectives of Human resource management?

Ans. 1) Organisational Objectives

2) Social Objectives

3) Functional objectives.

Q) What are the functions of Human Resource Management?


1) Human Resource Management Strategy development and implementation.

2) Manpower Planning including job analysis, human resources forecasting.

3) Recruitment and Selection of right man for right job using the right selection tools.

4) Performance appraisal of employees through the methods and systems developed by HR Deptt.

5) Training and development of newcomers and the regular staff .

6) Career Planning of each and every employee.

7) Compensation Management and implementation of all the staff to retain in the organisation.

8) Managing the nonessential staff. Their removal if the organisation does not need.

9) Change management program successful implementation.

10) Implementation of labour welfare policies of organisation and government.

11) Implementation of Industrial Relations policy.

12) Audit of Human Resource activities in the organisation.